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자모솔루션의 "M-eux Test"가 iOS7을 지원합니다.

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Unveiled at the Apple WWDC on 10th June, iOS7 broke the expectations of many with a very different design compared to the previous versions of iOS. The iOS7 has adopted a cleaner and streamlined approach, making the OS flatter and getting rid of the skeuomorphic designs; hence bringing the audience a more modern OS.

Jamo Solutions M-eux Test supports iOS7. It will be able to perform regression testing with ease by re-using test scripts made on iOS 6.x. In comparison to bitmap or OCR-based tools which cannot reuse the iOS6 based automation scripts without a big review of those scripts, M-eux test will allow Quality Assurance to run their test cases smoothly while keeping the maintenance costs low.

As you can see from the above picture of the Switch, the look and feel of the iOS7 UI has changed drastically. It may pose difficulties for those using bitmap or OCR-based technology.

Some examples are as follows:

  • Bitmap-based tool: Update required of all images from iOS6 to iOS7, making a larger object repository as more images are needed.
  •  OCR-based (text recognition) tool: The "ON" text of the button in iOS6 is no longer in iOS7. Hence users of this solution would have to convert using a bitmap-based solution. Meaning the hassle of creating a new object repository as well as updating the correct verification points in test cases. In addition, two separate test cases would have to be maintained for one scenario in each of the platforms in iOS6 and iOS7.
  • Bitmap & OCR-based tools cannot perform regression testing with the existing code that was used in iOS6.

HP Discover Las Vegas

Come visit our booth at HP Discover, where you will be able to see firsthand the beta version of the M-eux Test supporting the latest release of iOS7!

Join us from 11 until 13 June at HP Discover 2013. Visit us at booth 3957!

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